
Why Probiotics are Needed for Your Dogs?

A healthy gut means a healthy pet. And this is true!

A pet’s health is greatly affected by its gut. How? To know more read on…

The intestine forms the largest component of a digestive system and consists of millions of bacteria. Both good and bad. This population of microbes is called the microflora. They help in keeping the digestive system healthy. Although the main function of a GI tract is to digest food and absorb nutrients, it also acts as the body’s natural defence system inhibiting the entry of harmful pathogens.

This is no different when it comes to dogs and cats. As the pet ages, there might be shifts in the microflora population which reduces their tolerance to dietary changes and leads to stress-induced diarrhoea, digestive, and immunity problems. Changes in the diet of the pets can help keep up a healthy microflora in the intestinal tract. This can be done by supplying probiotics in their diet. Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microbial feed supplement, which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance.

In simple words, Probiotics are living organisms, that when consumed: had a beneficial effect on intestinal function while maintained and promoted good health. Probiotics can benefit the intestinal microflora in many ways. Studies in both humans and animals have shown that certain probiotics increase fecal bacterial counts of good bacteria, and these bacteria are crucial to the health and well-being of the host animal.

Veterinarians in Austria and Switzerland have been recommending prebiotics (to promote growth of probiotics) to dogs and cats since 1985, to help maintain a healthy gut microflora in animals due to imbalance caused by changes in diet, stress, antibiotic therapy, and other factors.


Digestive disorders and issues such as diarrhoea are commonly seen in dogs and cats and are often linked with an imbalance in the microflora of the intestine. When this happens, restoring balance becomes important. Thus, providing health to the overall digestive system.

All dogs and cats need probiotics.  These ‘friendly’ bacteria aid in supporting  digestion, maintaining the health of the GI tract, supporting immunity, and digestive health.

Since it can be a hassle to include this in the daily diet of the pet, Petdentist® has made this easier.  Petdentist® Probiotics Powder Supplement for Cats & Dogs is the easiest, and natural form of pro-biotic supplement that can  help maintain a healthy bacterial balance ratio.


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